Help us so we can help others!


As every year, we joined the Christmas Shoebox Campaign again this year, aiming to bring joy and collectively support those in need!

On Friday, December 13, we handed over the 34 shoeboxes we collected to the Dorcas AID Association.

Dorcas AID operates as a collecting organization covering the entire Cluj County. They maintain ongoing connections with civil and church organizations that directly know the people in need!

The foundation of any community lies in caring for one another, a value we strive to pass on to the children, whether it’s about our broader or closer community. The Christmas Shoebox Campaign embodies this very concept: care. Through this initiative, we introduce children to the joy of giving and helping, fostering the development of empathy and social awareness. Moreover, we trust that, with the help of Dorcas AID, we have managed to make Christmas brighter and more memorable for families in need.

Let’s care for each other!

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