Shadow play – healthy eating


Healthy eating is also very important during this period, which we conveyed to the children in a special way this week. Teacher Erika surprised the children with a shadow play. The tale is about a little boy named Gergő who eats a lot of sweets, but never brushes his teeth. We talked to the kids about what foods have a lot of vitamin elves in them, and we’ve found that most are in fruits and vegetables. From these we will be strong, healthy and this will protect our teeth. This is because the best way to protect our teeth is to eat our favorite fruits instead of sweets, and to wash them always.


To protect our health, our nannies surprised us with easy-to-prepare, very delicious and healthy recipes, preparing these can be a lot of fun for kids and parents alike. The importance of vitamins was also brought to the attention of the children by our assistant through a lovely video.


To keep an eye on the exercise, our dear folk dance teacher made a really hilarious song for us, which we can use to move our bodies and revive our folk dance knowledge. And our physiotherapist Bea showed us a very varied set of exercises.


Here is the tale:

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