Although winter is here to stay, following the hungarian traditions we decided to banish winter. The purpose is to make as much fun and noise as possible by setting up a carnaval mood. We established the old traditions during carnaval period and choose to follow them in many ways. We digged out the carnaval mascaras […]
New year
In Miko Kindergarden we started the new year with a lot of enthusiasm and energy. The starting days were full of story telling about the Holidays. The following days we started to study the circle of a year, including seasons, months and the concept of the passing time. Based on children’s experiences we spiced up […]
Summer school
Here is how summer school begins in our school and it’s fairytail garden. First of all kindergarden and elementary school children are aspected to join us in nature centered, homelike environment, spiced up with a camp mood. Every week a new theme is developed with the help of our best tool: games and plays. Themes and dates: June […]
Green Earth, Camp for Primary School Students
The Green Earth themed camp for primary school students was a succesful experience. Despite the rainy weather conditions we had the opportunity to play outside and inside as well. Experiencing composting, it’s effects and benefits was helpful to understand how this factor works. Practising selectiv garbage collection from reusable waste was exited. Children had many great ideas on […]
Good-bye Winter Party
We sad good-bye to winter during a wonderfull party in the kindergarten. Aplauses were continuos during the presentatios of families, prepared with stories of fairy-tale heroes. After the succes of presentations the party went on with folk music and folkdances leading by Csatari Erika. The homemade donuts were gone in seconds, thanks to the hungry […]
Camp for primary school students
During the one week break between semesters, we organize the STORIES theme camp for primary school students in our organization. Every day a story will be processed with the help of experiential education, drama, puppets, movements and creative art. We believe that this break is an opportunity for children to detach from the daily routines. […]
Winter is here
Winter with it’s bright snow and blushing faces has became everyones favourite season by this time of the year. As we enjoy it, it would be better to have a winter extension party then a spring coming one! Children found the best way to slide on the snow in our yard. Even the sceptical ones decided to take […]
Fall-school camp
This year in the autumn break children can attend our Board games themed camp. We offer indoor and outdoor boardgaming opportunities for children who choose to take a meanfull break. It’s the perfect opportunity for children to socialize in a non tiring way, since they are living their most active time in their lifes. The lounging corner, the […]
Harvest festival
Autum’s surrounding treasures make it worthy of celebrating. Taking advantage of this opporunity, the members of the daycare, it’s personal and guests had the time of their live on a beautiful autumn day. While the gulash was boiling guests were attending exciting games or peeking into the daycare. This experience uploaded everyone to last for the rainy weekdays.
Welcoming October
Our developing daily routins are giving everyone the feeling of safe. During handcrafting knew friendships are born. Playing, refreshens our happiness. Climbing trees, discovering the pumpkins, snails and nuts, our garden’s treasures enforces bonding with nature. This is how we live in our homey daycare in October.