

The community of Mikó kindergarten also came together and joined the charity book fair organized for Noel’s recovery. We have managed to collect nearly 100 books for this noble purpose. Thank you very much!   We believe in the power of collaboration and community!  

Spring renewal


This week we enthusiastically threw ourselves into the spring renewal, because we were really looking forward to running around in the good warm sunshine, playing in the yard. We talked about what changes take place in nature at spring time: the flowers start to sprout, the trees bud, the sun shines more and more, it […]

What will I be when I grow up?


What will I be when I grow up? Many preschoolers were already able to definitely answer this question: policeman, doctor, firefighter, ballerina, veterinarian, warrior, scientist. We tried to get to know the different crafts and occupations, to which we associated rhymes and games. We talked about which craft exactly means what, we also dealt with […]

January 2020 at Our Kindergarten


In Miko Kindergarden we started the new year with a lot of enthusiasm and energy. The starting days were full of story telling about the Holidays. The following days we started to study the circle of a year, including seasons, months and the concept of the passing time. Based on children’s experiences we spiced up […]